What’s Wrong with this Sentence?

We had a lively discussion last night in the Mastermind, Elevate. It landed in everyone's consciousness that they believed it was their job to make everyone happy - be it at a dinner party, family outing, or work event. Not only is this impossible, but it's what drives feeling like a Hot Mess. 

Soon, the crux of our collective unconscious was revealed: “Abby, It sounds like you’re telling us to be selfish and enjoy ourselves.”

AND NO. ONE. NOTICED. This blasphemy was swallowed whole as though it were fact: enjoying yourself is selfish. Wait, what?

Obviously, if we think of this intellectually, we all know enjoying ourselves isn't selfish. But intellectually, "knowing" something doesn't touch the underlying unconscious beliefs that drive the choices that make our lives miserable.  

If you can relate (and I know you can), check out My Hot Mess to Harmony course!

In this course, you’ll:

  • Understand why you think and feel the way you do (so you never need to ask that question again)

  • Uncover the ways you’re unconsciously self-betraying

  • Learn tools to stop feeling resentful, overwhelmed, and underappreciated.

  • Develop a self-care regimen that provides ongoing rejuvenation that lasts longer than the massage or vacation itself. 

Get it HERE.

This course is delivered in bite-sized videos with teaching and exercises that will save you thousands in therapy. 

How do I know? Because I’m a trained therapist. I’ve given you the foundation to understand what’s happening and the tools you need to overcome exhaustion, resentment, burnout, and self-doubt. 


gratitude is so outdated


ponder this on Halloween