gratitude is so outdated

I know this is edgy, but don’t delete me yet; I have no beef with gratitude. The only problem is it can be elusive.

Take, for example, Mona (my adorable and grateful dog).

Mona is sixteen and has taken to sitting in the middle of the kitchen, letting out a sharp bark approximately every 90 seconds, alerting us to something happening inside her dog mind, to which no food, water, or cuddles brings quiet. From approximately midnight until four AM, she scratches on our bedroom door until we let her out and immediately scratches to be let back in.

In these moments, wouldn’t you know, I forget to feel grateful? I’m not excusing myself; Just stating the facts.

I wish I could hold onto gratitude continuously, but while my essence is bright, loving, and witty my mind can be a sabotaging bitch.

If you can relate, try developing a sense of equanimity about life's circumstances rather than beat yourself up for not feeling grateful enough. In other words, don't deem any one thing good or bad, but accept it for what IS. (Warning: you will be grumpy at first).***

Resisting the urge to become ensnared in your brain's ideas of what it wants and doesn’t want is the best Thanksgiving recipe. 

This might sound radical, but there are multiple benefits when you work to hone your system - your thoughts, emotions, and energy  - to react to life with neutrality:

  • Gratitude is a natural result

  • Intuitive knowing kicks in

  • Kindness is natural

  • Difficult tasks become effortless

  • Conflict dissolves 

  • Performance sours

  • Inner and outer tranquility ensues

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that gratitude flows easy.

However, if you want to have an amazing day regardless, keep neutrality in mind when gratitude isn’t in your awareness (which will be the majority of the day if you are human, like me), and challenge your mind to quit being so certain it knows what's good or bad.

***If you'd like help finding the ingredients to learn how to be less reactive and more joyful by practicing neutrality, keep reading… 

Interested in a deep dive to upscale your performance, relationships, and wellness? Check out Seven Weeks to Serenity starting in January 2024 - one for women and one for men! 




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