“I look forward to this group every week because I can share my thoughts, feelings, and emotions without feeling judged. It’s my sounding board. Learning to focus on my inner world and quiet down the outside world has been a game-changer. ” — Kristen Mariani

Are you ready for magic to happen?


Blossom & Elevate are advanced-level groups designed for women committed to doing the inner work to transform their lives.
If you are new to therapy/coaching and these groups speak to you, please apply, so we can connect to discuss the best options for you to get the most out of these sessions.

Blossom is here for women in their late 40s, 50s, and early 60s.
Women gather from around the country (and the world) once a week on Zoom for an hour on Thursdays at 1:30 EST - this time is changing shortly,
“This group is where we collaboratively shine a light on our deepest and darkest fears. In the light, these fears evaporate, opening space for sage intuition and the joy of tranquility.” — Lyn
Elevate is designed for women in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s.
Women gather from around the country once a week on Zoom for an hour on Wednesdays at 4:15 EST.
“This group helps me uncover beliefs, thought patterns, and behaviors that massively effect the relationships in my life and help my move towards addressing them in a positive way.” — Haley

“This group provides me a safe space to practice vulnerability and process the emotions that come with that vulnerability.” — Karen

To learn more before applying, click the button below, fill in the short form, and I’ll be in touch to schedule a chat!