use your kids properly

Sometimes I forget to stop working.

Jaden lost his electronics over the weekend (and by that, I mean I stormed into his room, unplugged his Xbox monitor while he was playing, collected his phone, iPad, and computer, and stormed out).

When there is no screen time, and I anticipate Jaden being at loose ends the next day, I develop a heightened awareness of my perception that I am a shitty, neglectful parent. 

In other words, the awareness of the guilt that is my blood plasma takes new depth. 

Buck-naked in consciousness, I’m forced out of my automatic routine behaviors, my human “mechanicality,” as Gurdjieff (and no doubt others) called it. 

I’m given no other option but to re-evaluate my belief (that I’m neglectful) and either dissolve it or change my actions. 

Hence, J and I had a lovely next morning reading our books, floating in the pool, and planning our vision boards (don't I look less guilty?).

Children hold up a wonderful mirror for our inner worlds if we take them up on the opportunity. Furthermore, they tend to be happy when we are.

On a side note, wouldn't you know, this stupid blog I tried to write for a week just came out of me in ten minutes? (Okay, so maybe I worked a little).

If you can relate, check out the latest class offerings HERE.


Well this sucked.


Your key to Inner Tranquility