Your key to Inner Tranquility

You Silky-Haired Goddesses wouldn’t know this, but us curly-haired gals are asked to brush our hair out before it’s colored.

My son snapped this Chia Pet picture of me, and I realized I'm kinda like a hairdresser! When people first come to me, they often feel just how I look here:


Here's the cold, hard fact: Your inner world (what you’re thinking, feeling, believing, and perceiving) determines what you experience in your outer world - your relationships, performance, and health (Insert Mic Drop Here).

This is how I send people out of my shop:


Wouldn't you prefer to feel all sassy? You can!

  • You know when you wake up in the middle of the night with a cringy feeling in your gut, wishing you hadn’t said or done that thing the day before? 

  • Do you get a twist of anxiety in your chest when you've upset someone or screwed something up?

  • Do you get an occasional sucker punch of remorse that insists on keeping you awake at unGodly hours? 

  • And do you toss and turn trying to shake the feeling, tell yourself it’s just a faulty middle-of-the-night perspective, but know the only hope for relief lay hours away in daylight? 

  • Are you also friendly with the mind-numbing frustration named “Stuck”? That old D**ckhead who keeps you comparing yourself to everyone in a 10,000-mile radius, all while drying your feet in cement? 

  • Do you beat yourself up for your inability to break through to the other side of whatever is in your way? (hint: Your brain is D**ckhead in this scenario.)

  • What about that argument you keep having with your spouse - the one thing they keep doing even though it drives you bananas? 

  • Have you stepped on the hamster wheel of shame that comes directly after you let your annoyance loose on your kids?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I have great news. There is an operating system you can install to override all of this madness.

Check out my seven week class HERE.

If you're looking for the key to outer success and inner tranquility, you already have it - this course will show you how to unlock it.


use your kids properly


My Serious Case of the Yips