Guilt, Anyone?

I was speaking in a group recently, where the issue of guilt was raised -guilt for not being available, guilt for saying no, guilt in parenting (a gimme), guilt for needing time and space...there's really no end to guilt.

I shared a mantra I often give my clients to whisper to themselves when unsure of what to do:

"I love you, but I love me more."

The first part of this mantra allows us to plug into our love and compassion for the other person in the situation, and that helps us tango with the second part, which inevitably brings up a cascade of fear that we're being ... wait for it...

SELFISH! (Cue gasp).

Guilt and the irrational belief that we're selfish create an enormous energy drain in our system. Think about how you hold your body when you feel guilty vs. how you hold it when you feel satisfied with your efforts. You literally see the energy draining out of you in the latter. That energy leak leads you to burnout, overwhelm, resentment, and irritable outbursts that upset your whole day.

If you're looking for more energy in your day, clarity in what to say or do in relationships, and/or how to get ahead professionally, check out class offerings!

If this is you:

  • No matter how much self-care you practice, you're exhausted. 

  • People don't respect your boundaries.

  • You know your expertise, but you still feel like a fraud.

  • You look out for everyone, but no one considers your needs.

  • Even though you work hard to stay calm, you still lose your temper.

  • Your life is bountiful, but you can't maintain a state of gratitude.

  • You know precisely what you must do, but don't do it. 

I have fantastic news. First, you’re not alone. Second, it’s not your fault. Third, you can stop circling these drains (and when you do, everything gets better because YOU got better). 

Here's a text I got from a class participant:

This class, grounded in neuroscientific research, teaches the operating system necessary to tackle ALL relationship, performance, and health and wellness goals. 
You’ll GET:Seven hours of video and exercises (dropped weekly), teaching and walking you through exercises for Positive Intelligence® which will rock your worldSeven weeks of live virtual facilitated group meetings with women just like you, elevating and challenging each other in a safe space.An easy-to-use and practical app for guided daily practice. The eye-opening Positive Intelligence® audiobook.Unlimited access to the group and me through WhatsApp for accountability in a no-shame zone, answers to questions, support, and camaraderie.An opportunity to join Elevate – an unadulterated mastermind for women committed to personal change and professional growth for the greatest good.

Here’s what participants have to say:

“This class has helped me redirect my thoughts to ones I identify with/ am comfortable with rather than the ones I hate. It is so simple, so complex, and incredible ... The group experience was perfect. Judgment free. Open. Safe. Loving. Informative. Comfortable. Educational. Challenging. Just amazing.”


“This seven-week class has helped me discover more of who I am and who I want to be. I went into this feeling like I had everything figured out and that I wouldn’t get as much use out of this program as I did - the impact has been huge in my day-to-day life, and I am so glad we have the opportunity to continue the group into the future.” 


There is no need to wait to learn how to fill your energy tank and get out of your own way. Start NOW!


ponder this on Halloween


What I Wish MD’s Knew