What I Wish MD’s Knew

So this week, I went to the dermatologist because my unconscious likes to express itself through random skin conditions.

The frisky, fresh-out-of-school medical woman said, “How’s your hernia?”
Excuse me, what?

“Your hernia,” she said, pointing to my midsection. “Does it hurt?”

Uh…I didn’t know I had a hernia.
In a run-on and irrelevant statement, she cheerily explained the “shelf” over my belly button (likely caused by childbirth -- she winked in camaraderie) was a hernia and if I work out (which I do) and do a lot of sit-ups or chest flies (she demonstrated both), it could tear and get painful in which case, I’d need to get it checked and “they” would do a “simple” surgery.
“But that’s a side note,” she said, raising a magnifying glass to her eye to inspect my latest rash.
She was delightful, not a wrinkle of life in sight, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, and I get it: when you suddenly find yourself with loads of information that most people don’t know, you want to tell everyone all the new things you know.
The problem is, our minds are so fragile – soaking up every imprint sent out into the ether, instantly and subconsciously recalling every memory we have associated with whatever was just said.

Now, every time I do a sit-up, I envision myself doubling over on a gurney on my way to emergency surgery, and when I get dressed in the morning, I’m obsessed. 

This is what I mean by risky leaving destiny to chance because the mind is so damn adept at sabotage!

What I heretofore thought of as pretty f’ing good abs for 53 years old are now overshadowed by the LEDGE over my belly button. I’m disfigured, my mind screams, and I’m pretty sure it’s already starting to ache. I've begun half-assing my workouts, just in case.  

If you're like me, you have ideas of what you want to accomplish each year. The secret is to employ the necessary strategy and habits the November before! Otherwise, we get in our own way, and before we know it, it's summertime and well, it is better to wait until the fall, but then it's the holidays... you see where I'm going. 

To discover the steps to avoid this loop, I’d love to connect with you - contact me here.


Guilt, Anyone?


I had to Pass this Along