best holiday TIP #2
As for me, my husband and I usually take our first step into a store on Christmas Eve morning (which, in itself, feels like a burden).
However, we don't need to go that far this year because my 14-year-old manifested a cat.
On a drive to the store in October, when he started his cat campaign, I told him that if one were to materialize (as in a carton of free kittens on the corner), I would consider it - if for no other reason than to encourage the manifestation practice.
Well, over Thanksgiving, while visiting his brother, a cat wandered onto the front porch, settled into Jaden's lap, and never left.
Long story short, we are in North Carolina, meeting our older son to do the cat transfer.
I don't particularly want a cat (although I kinda do), and I have multiple concerns, from the cat spraying all over the house, being spooked out of his mind by the dog, to the dog eating the cat when we're not home.
In other words, stress and anxiety. Hence, I just listened to my Muse because it will take my full Attention to align with my Intention to be present, connected, and joyful on the ten-hour drive back to Florida with a cat!