Take the Saboteur Assessment by Positive Intelligence®

When you learn to stop self-sabotaging, you have less stress and anxiety and more ease and flow in your life!

“I was a micromanaging control freak that if everything wasn’t perfect my world was turned upside down, and that is an unmanageable way to live your life. [This work] is transformative in the way that it is true neuro change. It’s not sitting on the coach and getting your feelings out and having someone validate that. It’s truly laying those neural pathways to have lifelong success. I’m calmer, I’m a happier person. The emotional regulation and self awareness that I’ve been given is life changing in the best way possible. I feel like a different person today than when I started with Abby and I’m eternally grateful.”



  • Tired of being in your own way

  • Feeling stuck on a hamster wheel

  • Not getting the results you’d like

  • Ready to stop self-sabotaging

Regardless of how self-aware we think we are, science tells us otherwise. Ninety-five percent of who we are by the time we’re in our mid-thirties is a set of unconscious habits, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that drive our actions. This Saboteur Assessment will illuminate your self-sabotaging playlist, empowering you to make intentional, conscious choices aligned with your deepest desires.

With over three decades of experience, starting as a psychotherapist, then a financial advisor, and now a coach, trainer, and speaker, my superpower is illuminating the unconscious self-betrayals that keep you circling a drain.

Why? Because I’ve been there and done that.  

It turns out that what we’ve been taught to thrive and succeed in life are the very habits of thought and emotion that negatively impact our performance, relationships, and well-being.

As one of my clients said, after three weeks of working together;

“I've been like a zombie, controlled by a voice in my head posing as a trusted friend when really it's been destroying my success in all aspects of my life.”  

Integrating psychology, neuroscience, and ancient wisdom, I’m on a mission to help you authentically align with your innate intelligence and realize your greatest gifts.

Hey, I’m Abby,


Since taking the program, I feel more empowered and less reactive. I now approach my business and personal life with a sense of clarity and confidence that I never had before.

This program has not only improved my mental fitness but also positively impacted my relationships and overall well-being.

Thank you, Abby, for this life-changing experience!”

– Jody Hart, Treasure Coast Thermography, Owner

Through this work, I’ve been pushed to a level I’ve never gotten to before. I now understand the concept of autopilot and what that means but also, I understand me.

I’m growing and expanding into my true self rather than who I thought I needed to be - an executive, a wife, a mother. I’m finding out what I want so that I can live the second half of my life in the most fulfilled manner that I can.

– Karen Gailpeau, CFO


Don't let unconscious barriers hold you back any longer. Get your assessment now and take the first step toward a more empowered and successful you.